Monday, February 8, 2010

Letter c, Day 1

Theme: Caterpillars

c says /c/

Sample words
caterpillar, cloud, crawl, candy, cake

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle
The Crunching Munching Caterpillar, by Sheridan Cain
1-2 non-fiction books about caterpillars

Choose 2-3 songs and fingerplays

*Make a caterpillar from the letter "c"

You will need:
letter "c" outline
green, red and yellow paper

With the green paper cut out enough circles to go around the "c." Cut out a head and eyes from the red and yellow paper. Have your child glue on the circles for the body and head. Afterwards, they can add a nose, antennae and legs if they want.

*The Very Hungry Caterpillar coloring page

Sensory Bin/Dramatic Play
Put plastic food on a tray or in the sensory bin. Add or make a caterpillar and have your child act out the story.

Handwriting practice
Practice writing the letter c.

Muffin Tin Monday-The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Extension Activity
Watch The Very Hungry Caterpillar 6 minute video from YouTube

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